Nearby Activities


Trekking is an activity that offers more possibilities to have the county parks with 3 different characteristics. The municipalities of several of the towns of the region comprise two of the Natural Park of Andalusia: Sierra Nevada Nautural Park and Natural Park of Sierra de Tejeda and Almijara. In addition they are also part of Sierra Nevada National Park. It should be noted especially as part of the Natural Park of Sierra Nevada Padul Lagoon, only wetland in the province with important aquatic animal and plant species.

Mid-mountain itineraries

las Buitreras, el pico del Zahor, el Castañar de Mondújar, etc.

Low-mountain itineraries

Piedra-ventana, cerrada del río Dúrcal, laguna de Padul, Cahorros de Nigüelas, el Cañuelo, Río Santo, rutas del GR-7 a su paso por la comarca, etc.

Cultural itineraries

Castillejo de Mondújar, Ruta de los Molinos, peñón de los moros, acequia de los Arcos, etc.

Orientation itineraries

It exists in the region a zone of orientation flat edited for this sport that combines guidance as map reading and skill to find the easiest and short routes between two points.


"Source of Durcal River" tour of the meadow of the Theatines following the irrigation channel of Acts to the lagoon watching the borreguiles Carnero and frilly, meadows, stockyards, etc. Climb to Horse: tour of the Sierra de Durcal to the peak of the Horse. Buitreras Durcal: rise and steep mountain tour this past nesting area for the vultures.

Integrall crossing of >3000m Sierra Nevada peaks

peak Caballo (3,030 m.) located in the municipality of Durcal is a point of departure and arrival of the integral famous that attracts many hikers both winter and summer and runs through the peaks of the Sierra Nevada above 3,000 from the Picon of the Marquess Jeres to the Pico del Caballo through the peaks of the Alcazaba, Mulhacén and Veleta, among others.

Mountain Bike

The possibilities for this sport are varied. From mountain itineraries: Sierra del Manar, Sierra de Albuñuelas, etc. quieter rides to the Laguna de Padul, Béznar dam, Rio Durcal, etc.

Wall Climbing

There are several schools of well equipped sport climbing and easily accessible in the region. Different sectors, roads and pathways degrees belonging to these schools are perfectly repertoriados sketch. major schools: Cahorros of Niguel cliffs of Pinos del Valle, Durcal River, shell, etc.

Bungee Jumping

Two bridges over the river Dúrcal allow the development of this exciting sport. Currently, Durcal is one of the main destinations of the province to practice this sport for its location near the capital, the coast and the Alpujarra.

Ski touring

The classic "integral of 3000m peaks." also it offers its version on cross country skis having Durcal and Pico del Caballo place of departure or arrival. Also, the extensive skirt forming peaks and Horse Carthusian offer a great possibility of skiing.

Paragliding, free flight

There are several areas of takeoff and landing of paragliding and hang gliding in the region to which is easily accessible: Sierra del Manar, Zahor, etc.


The special topography of the region and the existence of numerous lanes that cross the mountain make it possible road commuting by the most unusual places, making this type of tourism one of the most requested. Sierra del Manar, Forest House Tello, saws Durcal-crossing-Lanjarón Nigüelas.


For practice of speleology, the region offers several caves such as the Cave of the Crags, Cónchar Cave, etc. Dry caves are all different depths reaching 65m. deep.


Esta actividad es una de las más solicitada en los meses estivales. Dos son los cañones acuáticos próximos a Dúrcal que están equipados para su descenso: Río Dúrcal y Cahorros de Nigüelas. Hemos de destacar que desde Dúrcal se organizan numerosos descensos de Río Verde, el barranco más sorprendente de Andalucía por el caudal y lo abrupto de su cauce, que se encuentra a tan solo 45 min. del pueblo.


Currently, a company that organizes this activity in the municipality of Padul but the chances of development of the sport in the region are very large.

Available to customers, a experienced guide to trails in the area and Sierra Nevada

Valle de Lecrín